Tag Archives: Syaikh Sholih bin Fauzan

Appearance of the Dajjaal Is Near

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan says, as occurs in “al-Khutub al-Minbariyyah Fil-Munaasabaat al-Asriyyah” (1/199), the following:

That the person, so long as he is within the confines of life he is subject to a great tribulation, none will be saved from it when it befalls except a small (number) amongst the people, and verily that is the tribulation of the al-Maseeh ad-Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) who will appear amongst the people at the end of time. Through his hands there will occur great tribulations and severe trials, and for this reason the Prophets warned their nations, and the most severe of them in warning his nation was our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), and he legislated for us that we seek refuge from him (the Dajjaal) at the end of every (legislated) prayer, and his appearance has drawn close due to the clear signs, may Allaah protect us and you from his trial and make us firmly established upon our religion.

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Apakah Sekadar Mengucapkan Syahadat Sudah Dicap sebagai Muslim?

Apakah Sekedar Mengucapkan Syahadah itu Sudah Termasuk Muslim???

Syaikh Sholih bin Fauzan hafizhohullah

Pertanyaan : Syahadah Laa Ilaha illallah adalah kunci dan pokok yang paling mendasar dari agama Islam. Apakah orang yang sekedar mengucapkannya walaupun tanpa ada amalan sudah termasuk ke dalam kaum muslimin ? Dan apakah agama-agama yang turun dari langit (Yahudi dan Nashara) –selain agama islam yang dibawa oleh Muhammad Shollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘ala alihi wasallam- juga datang dengan pokok yang sangat mendasar ini ? Continue reading →